Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Okay-here are a few words

Not a bad idea about the book review. I do read regularly and now feel especially good about it after reading Elizabeth Berg's article. You'll have to go to Elise's blog to find that one since I have yet to figure out how to set up links within my posts. Anyway, I just finished The Glass Castle yesterday. First I have to say that it's similar to A Child Called It only much better written. Also, the character in TGC suffered the abuse of neglect rather than physical abuse. So my first question: Why do we have a fascination with reading about all the horrible things parents do to their children? Does it make us feel like better parents, i.e. "Well, I didn't help jr. with his homework, but at least I didn't feed him solely popcorn for three days straight!" Second, I am wondering how 3 of the 4 children in TGC turned out so mature and successful despite their extremely poor upbringing. In case you don't know, The Glass Castle is purported to be the true memoir of writer, Jeannette Wells. I did enjoy reading it. Her descriptions were well done without being overly sappy or whiny. The story moved along at a nice pace. Plus, the author did triumph in the end. I'd give it a 4 out of 5 stars.


Elise said...

Very interesting. I can't remember if I ever actually read A Child Called It or just heard about it, but this one sounds better. I'm always a big fan of "the writing is better than..." I'll have to check it out!